The more I play Quake2 the more I appreciate... regular Quake!
(too old to reply)
2018-05-01 01:27:55 UTC
Its 2018 and Quake 2 is still going.

2018-09-12 16:41:58 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
Its 2018 and Quake 2 is still going.
I've been playing nonstop since 1999. Its not as active as it used to be
but still fun.
Cory Hansen
2018-10-01 06:05:26 UTC
Yeah that's right. Let's put all the bullshit aside. Sure Quake2 has a
much improved engine and intricately detailed maps, but is it as
enjoyable as quake/quakeworld? No f*ckin' way.
Now I've played it for a while, and there are some really good features
to it. I _like_ the fact that you can duck (considering that the
whiners cried out against this it's a miracle it made it into the final
release), and the sub-machine gun is great - BFG too.
But, it seems to me that they listened to every whiner that came along
when they were putting Quake2 together. Hell, considering the crap in
some of their "plan's" I'd say that the densest concentration of whiners
are working right at id.
1) Slow-motion takes it's sweet-assed-time weapon switching. Try
cycling through your weapon inventory in the middle of a fight and
you're off to the local morgue.
2) What the hell is that damn hand grenade doing in the middle of the
weapon cycle anyway? - useless as tits on a bull.
3) No rocket jumping. This was _the_ cool unexpected feature in Quake
- in Quake2 it will just turn you into bug juice.
4) Those lame green names. Sure it was done by hacking, but you could
personalize your name in Quake - made you stand out, everybody likes to
feel like an individual. Instead of taking away choice, id should have
made it so players could select different typefaces, styles, and colors.
5) Maps are laid out with an "anti-camper" mentality - result: there
are no good areas for team play - every thing is _too_ exposed. In the
end its just non-stop patternless mayhem, no tactics because tactics
don't count when you can even stop to think about what your goals are.
6) So called "balanced weapons". They're so "balanced" that they're
hardly worth fighting over. Fact is, to compliment this the so called
"high power" weapons are scattered all over the maps.
7) Rockets fly so slow you can almost get out and run as fast.
8) Odd-ball wall angles on corners are like fly-paper to the lagged.
Some jagged hallways you can barely move down without getting hung up on
every other corner. Of course if you're like me and have a low ping
connect, you can learn to spot these lagged players and pick them off as
soon as they come into contact with the walls. Like shooting fish in a
9) And whats with this not automaticaly switching to the next best
weapon when you run out of ammo? Ain't it cool to find yourself
face-to-face with someone and press the trigger only to find your out of
ammo for that weapon? It's slo-mo weapon change time! Fun, fun, fun.
If the progs.dat files from quake were compatible with quake2 (if quake2
used one instead of using .dll's), how many people would have copied
their quake progs.dat file into thier quake2 directory by now, hmmm?
Well, one things for sure - we can believe id when they say they and
activision thoroughly tested the point release to be sure that there are
no obvious bugs in the software that would show up right away - CTF too.
The guy was probably just shit at Quake

The Nodger
2023-08-12 21:00:28 UTC
How the hell have I just come across a google groups discussion from 1998!? This is the oldest thing I've ever found on the internet.